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"When my character falls in love with Camino, the problems will begin. A passion was born between the two, that was not accepted at the time, ”explains the actress.

The new entries to the Spanish soap opera Una Vita, broadcasted on Canale 5, from Monday to Friday at 2:10 p.m. and on Sunday at 2:05 p.m., are unstoppable. After the ten-year time jump, the fifth season set in 1913 began, during which some characters disappeared and others arrived.

Among them is also Maite, a painter with a very open character, who will manage to disrupt the daily life of the habitants of Acacias 38. The situation worsens when she falls in love with Camino (Aria Bedmar), chosen as her inspiring muse for a new portrait. A great passion was born between the two, at the time considered scandalous and forbidden. A transgressive and nonconformist character, played by Ylenia Baglietto, a Spanish singer and actress, whom Vero TV interviewed thanks to our collaboration with Miriam Quattrini.

"There will be a lot of commotion"

Ylenia, when did you decide to become an actress?

“I was 15 years old and every day I would watch a television series called Un Paso Adelante, in which the protagonists danced, sang and acted. At that moment I realized that it was just what I wanted to do in life.

Do you remember your first audition?

“It was for a television series called Goenkale. I was very nervous and worried, but they casted me. "

How were you chosen for Una Vita?

“For the character of Maite Zaldua I didn't have to do specific auditions, because in the past I had already worked for Boomerang in a series called Presunto Culpable with the same producers as Una Vita. Then my agent nominated me for the character of Maite and they chose me directly without doing any casting ».

Who is Maite?

“She is a woman ahead of her time. And a feminist, not at all traditionalist, defends the rights of workers, human beings and women. And very brave, she talks a lot about herself. She has in mind what she wants , but she is also a woman who has suffered a lot in her life. Fear often stops her from doing what she would like to do.

Why did she get to Acacias 38?

“To create a bit of a scandal. The neighborhood needed someone to upset traditional canons. In fact, Maite is the antagonist who comes to change things and everything that seems inflexible.

How do you reflect on her?

«In her energy, in the desire to fight for what she wants and in her perseverance. For me it is a real opportunity to play this character, I am learning a lot from her.

A curious episode that happened on set?

«In a sequence where Cammino and Maite kiss, Camino suddenly tells Maite to" shut up "and kisses her. This phrase has become a cult, you can find it on all the social pages of Maite and Camino fans ».

How will the relationship between the two women evolve?

“At first our relationship will be clandestine. At that time, no one would have accepted a bond between two women. Among the inhabitants, some like Maite, others not. There will come a time when everyone will turn against her for her way of life. Can you imagine, at the beginning of the 20th century, two women in love: there will be a great scandal ».

"I am a happy person"

How are you doing on set?

"Very good. Everyone welcomed me warmly and made me feel at ease from the moment I walked on set. We are like a big family, we get along, we spend countless hours together and it's good to know that we can count on each other. "With many colleagues, also, we organize dinners, outings and good friendships were born even outside the set."

How do you protect yourself from the coronavirus?

«I often wash my hands, I respect the safety rules that have been communicated to us. At first, like everyone else, I stayed home, now I go with all the necessary precautions. I put on the mask and keep a safe distance. It is a shame to have witnessed so many deaths, especially of the elderly and the sick, people who could have lived many more years and who left us early.

Tell us something about your private life.

"I live in Bilbao with my partner, his name is Lander Otaola and he's also an actor."

What did you do during the confinement?

“My days at home were very active and fun. In the morning I would wake up and have a quiet breakfast, read the news of the day to see how things were going. Then I would take my guitar and play it. I did an online guitar course, I did sports and yoga. I have seen movies and television series, at five in the afternoon I was meditating and then I would watch television again. I also did creative activities: I wrote short films and plays for the future. I also realized that I am a sociable person, eager for hugs and talks and I am considering the people I love around me.

Have you ever been to Italy?

Yes, I have been to Venice, Florence and Rome. I love the people, the landscapes, the monuments, but I also want to go to the South, I hope to return soon ».

How do you describe yourself?

«I am a joyful, cheerful, positive, persevering person, always eager to learn, I have many dreams. I also have negative aspects: sometimes I suddenly yell and then it goes away.

Are you social?

«Yes, I use my social networks a lot also because my character is having a lot of success all over the world. My followers have increased dramatically and I like to interact with them.

How is your relationship with the public?

"Great, every day I receive 40-50 messages from different people and it is impossible to reply to each one of them, however my fans know that I am with them and I thank them infinitely for everything they do for me."


Madrid. The painter Maite Zaldua, played by Ylenia Baglietto (33 years old, above) is preparing for a real revolution in the customs of the time. Once in Acacias 38, the artist falls in love with her student Camino (Aria Bedmar, 26, next to the sequence with the famous kiss). About the relationship, initially secret, it will cause many problems for the two women.


Fuente: Revsita "Vero Tv"

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