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Yo soy Pichichi' will spend the Aste Nagusia in the Sala BBK

Lander Otaola's cabaret returns to the Bilbao billboard on the centenary of the death of the footballer to whom it pays tribute.

The tragicomic cabaret 'Yo soy Pichichi', with text by Lander Otaola and directed by Patxo Telleria, returns to the stage in style as part of the Sala BBK's commitment to the Aste Nagusia. The production, which premiered in Pavilion 6 in 2018 and was performed again the following year due to the good reception by the public, crosses the estuary for the first time to share the festive spirit with the people of Bilbao after two years marked by the pandemic. Eight performances will be offered between 21 and 28 August.

This year marks the centenary of Pichichi's death, which accentuates the show's character as a tribute "to a key figure in football and in our city". With set design by Jose Ibarrola, Lander Otaola himself plays the role of Rafael Moreno. The nephew of Unamuno and Telesforo Aranzadi, he lived like a rock star and died at the age of 29. Ylenia Baglietto, Itxaso Quintana, Felipe Loza and Iñaki Urrutia accompany him in a production with live music: Naiel Ibarrola's piano and Jon Fresko's drums.

(Ken 7).

"This cabaret is a Txirene tribute full of well-known songs to dance, sing, cry, laugh... A journey into nostalgia and emotion in which we will remember a Basque Country, and above all a Bilbao, that will never return", the artistic team stresses. A city "of music halls, cabarets and various hovels" and a protagonist whose charisma attracts audiences beyond football fans.


Fuente: El Correo

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