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Through the Web  (hereinafter the Web) visitors and users are provided with information about the actress of the same name.


Said website may contain elements and sections developed directly by Producciones RosPalas, other elements such as access to social networks (Linkedin, Twitter...), third-party platforms or links to pages outside this website, which despite being related with the signature, will be managed and developed by said third parties.








By accessing and using the Website, it will be understood that the user expressly expresses their acceptance of the content of each and every one of these Conditions in the version published at the time of access. It will also be understood that the user also accepts the following conditions:


·   Cookies policy

·   Data protection policy


Please read this Legal Notice beforehand and if you do not agree with it, refrain from accessing or using the Website.  


The use of certain content and/or services offered to users through the Web may be subject to its own particular conditions (hereinafter, the "Special Conditions") which, depending on the case, will replace, complete and/or modify these General conditions. We therefore recommend that the user, prior to the use of said content and/or services, carefully read the corresponding Particular Conditions.


The user acknowledges and accepts that certain actions may be carried out by third parties (Producciones RosPalas collaborators) so that, if they participate in them, they must read and, where appropriate, accept the conditions that apply to them and that will have been determined by the person in charge. concrete.


Access to the Web is carried out under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the user, who will be liable in any case for any damages that such access may cause.  


Producciones RosPalas reserves the right to modify the content of these Conditions at any time in order to adapt to operational, technical or legislative changes.  


The user undertakes to use the Web, the contents and services offered therein in accordance with the law, these Conditions, good faith, good customs and public order. In the same way, the user undertakes not to use the Web or the services provided through it for illicit or harmful purposes or effects for the interests or rights of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable or deteriorate the Web. or its services or prevent normal enjoyment of the same by other users.


The user also agrees to refrain from using the Web or the information obtained through them to send advertising, communications for direct sales purposes or for any other kind of commercial purpose, unsolicited messages addressed to a plurality of people independently of its purpose, as well as to market or disclose said information in any way.


Producciones RosPalas may exercise the corresponding legal actions against those users who violate these Conditions.  



Access to the Web is free and does not require prior subscription or registration. All the information included on the Web is for informational purposes only, notwithstanding the foregoing and voluntarily, the user may choose to fill in the contact form available on the Web in order to formulate a specific query or request additional information to that published. . In the event that the requested data is not provided or that the data protection policy applicable to their processing is not accepted, this website will not be able to offer the user a response to their request.








All the contents of the Web, unless otherwise indicated, are the exclusive property of Producciones RosPalas or third parties who have authorized their inclusion in it. 

Similarly, all trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained on the Web are protected by law and their reproduction, imitation, use or insertion is prohibited without the due authorization of Producciones RosPalas.


The user acknowledges that the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, commercialization or transformation of the indicated elements may constitute an infringement of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of Producciones RosPalas or of their owners.

Therefore, the reproduction, transformation, public communication, distribution, making available to the public, and in general, any other form of exploitation, by any procedure, of all or part of the contents of the Web, as well as its design and form of presentation of the contents, without having the corresponding authorization from the owner of the rights or unless it is legally permitted or consistent with the nature of the content itself. 

Access to the Web does not imply, in any case, acquisition by users of any property rights over the contents that appear on it. 

The user will not be able to use the contents offered on the Web, for purposes other than those stipulated in these conditions, and where appropriate in the particular conditions that regulate the use of certain functionalities of the same.  


The inclusion of links or any type of connection to the Web from third-party websites without the express written consent of Producciones RosPalas is prohibited.  







A) Responsibility for the use of the Web


The user is solely responsible for the infractions that may be incurred or for the damages that may be caused or caused by the use of the Web, leaving Producciones RosPalas exempt from any kind of liability that may arise from the actions of the user. 

The user is solely responsible for any claim or legal action, judicial or extrajudicial, initiated by third parties against Producciones RosPalas based on the use of the Web by the user. Where appropriate, the user will assume any expenses, costs and indemnities incurred by Producciones RosPalas as a result of such claims or legal actions.



B) Responsibility for the operation of the Web.  


Producciones RosPalas makes every effort to ensure that browsing through the Web is carried out in the best conditions. However, it will be exonerated from any liability that may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operational functioning of the electronic system, motivated by causes beyond Producciones RosPalas.

In addition,  Producciones RosPalas also excludes any liability that may arise from delays or blockages in the operational functioning of this electronic system caused by deficiencies or overloading of telephone lines or the Internet, as well as damages caused by third parties through illegitimate interference beyond the control of RosPalas Productions.



C) Responsibility for links


This website or/and the different actions carried out therein may incorporate links to other sites or pages, the latter being responsible for the content hosted therein.  


In addition, the existence of hyperlinks on third-party web pages that allow access to this Website will not imply in any case the existence of commercial or mercantile relations with the owner of the web page where the hyperlink is established, nor the acceptance by Producciones RosPalas of its contents or services.


Producciones RosPalas declines all responsibility regarding the information found outside the Web. 

Producciones RosPalas is exonerated from all responsibility for the proper functioning of such links, the result obtained through said links, the veracity and legality of the content or information that can be accessed, as well as the damages that may be suffered by virtue of the information found on the linked website.




D) Liability for advertising


Part of the Web may contain advertising or sponsored content. In that case, advertisers and sponsors will be solely responsible for ensuring that the material submitted for inclusion on the Web complies with the laws that may be applicable in each case. Producciones RosPalas will not be responsible for any error, inaccuracy or irregularity that may be contained in the advertising content of third parties or sponsors.

In any case, to file any claim related to the advertising content inserted on this website, you can contact Producciones RosPalas through any of the means provided at the beginning of this document.









Any controversy arising from the interpretation or execution of this Legal Notice will be interpreted under Spanish law.  


These Conditions are written in Spanish. In case of any discrepancy between the content of the Spanish version and any of the versions of these Conditions that could be translated, the Spanish version will prevail.


Any clause or provision of this Legal Notice that is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable will be excluded from it and will be considered inapplicable to the extent of such illegality, invalidity or unenforceability, and will be replaced by another that resembles as much as possible the above, but it will not affect or harm the remaining provisions, which will be excluded from any illegal, invalid or unenforceable clause or provision and will remain in full force and effect.


In addition,  Producciones RosPalas and the user, waiving any other jurisdiction, submit to the courts and tribunals of the user's domicile for any dispute that may arise.

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