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The Sala BBK hosts "I am Pichichi" in Aste Nagusia on the centenary of his death

The play, produced by Pabellón 6, "crosses the river" for the first time and will be on Bilbao's Gran Vía throughout the festivities.

The Sala BBK will host the play "Yo soy Pichichi" in Aste Nagusia in Bilbao to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of the legendary football player Rafael Moreno. The play includes real events in a musical "with live music and voice".

The piece, with which the Sala BBK will inaugurate the return to the Aste Nagusia, is "a cabaret txirene, a musical for all ages that speaks of a Bilbao that will never return, a Bilbao of music halls, cabarets and various hovels".

The play, produced by Pabellón 6, "crosses the river" for the first time and comes to Bilbao's Gran Vía to stay for the whole of the Semana Grande.

As reported by BBK, the team, "who have been wanting to return with this show for some time", were clear that they would not do so "until the fiestas and normality returned to the theatres".

"That time has come. We are thus recovering this trip to nostalgia, to that convulsive Bizkaia of Miguel de Unamuno and Sabino Arana immersed in the industrial revolution", he assured.

The show, "for all ages, children and adults", offers in an hour and a half "a cataract of emotions, an intense journey that is capable of touching the heart but which is, above all, fun and festive".

"A show for people who love traditional theatre, but also for all those spectators who don't usually go to the theatre and who will be hooked from the very first moment to the story of this Athletic legend", he said.

According to him, it is a performance "for football lovers and especially Athletic lovers, which will delight Athleticzales but which, at the same time, will enthuse those who hate this sport, as the story of its protagonist is universal".


The play includes real events in a musical "with live music and voice; a concert full of well-known songs in which the audience can sing along and have fun".

"Pichichi is a hymn to life, an explosion of energy perfect for these dates. A centenary, that of his death, which is perfect for celebrating our festivities with a piece that combines sport and culture", he added.

"Yo soy pichichi" is directed by Patxo Tellería, "probably the most prolific and successful author of Basque theatre", with set design by Jose Ibarrola and a cast that includes Lander Otaola (Vaya Semanita, 8 apellidos vascos, El cover) and Ylenia Baglietto (Acacias 38, Presunto culpable, Bagoaz!).

Itxaso Quintana (Mamma mía!, La bella y la bestia), Felipe Loza (Cabaret Chihuahua, Bilbao Bilbao) and Iñaki Urrutia (La máquina de pintar nubes, Madre Coraje) will also perform. Naiel Ibarrola will perform live on piano, accompanied by the drums of Jon Fresko (Ken 7).



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