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Shakespeare's dramas

Premiere at the Arriaga of the play 'Erresuma/Kingdom/Reino', a project directed by Calixto Bieito, whose adaptation into Basque has been the work of Bernardo Atxaga.

TXEMA SORIA | Friday, 11 February 2022

Bernardo Atxaga, Calixto Bieito, Juan Mari Aburto, Bingen Zupiria y Begoña de Ibarra. / JORDI ALEMANY

The premiere of the latest production of the Arriaga theatre, 'Erresuma/Kingdom/Reino' -with the support of the Teatro Español, the Principal of Vitoria, the Victoria Eugenia of San Sebastián and Muxikaberri of Getxo-, a production directed by Calixto Bieito, artistic director of the Bilbao theatre, opened last night in Basque -on the 17th of this month it will be staged in Spanish-. A production based on the historical tragedies written by William Shakespeare - 'Richard II', 'Henry IV', 'Henry V', 'Henry VI' and 'Richard III' - which cover the historical period from 1377 to 1485, a period marked by a bloody civil war, the War of the Roses, which pitted English families against each other.

The 1966 dial to the English and German teams. In the background, around a large table, sit eleven characters, some in suits and ties, some in dinner jackets, some in T-shirts and some in dressing gowns, upon whom the Shakespearean tragedy is to be played out.

The premiere was attended by Bingen Zupiria, Minister of Culture of the Basque Government; Juan Mari Aburto, Mayor of Bilbao; Bilbao councillors Nekane Alonso and Koldo Narbaiza; Iñaki López de Aguileta, Director of Culture of the City Council; Begoña de Ibarra, Director General of Culture of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia; the writer Bernardo Atxaga, author of the Basque version; Xabier Paya, from Muxikaberri in Getxo; Ibon Aranabarri, General Manager of BOS; Nora Sarasola, Director of the Social Work of BBK; Koldo Bilbao, Head of Culture of BBK; Xabier Manterola, Jose Elorrieta, Gotzone Aguirre and Itxaso Manzano.

Also attending the premiere of the play were José Ignacio Malaina, manager of the Arriaga; Andoni Olivares, director of programming at the theatre; the soprano Naroa Intxausti, Jon Rozadilla, Fernando Badiola, María Luisa Gárate, Mari Carmen Lejarza, Silvia and Elena Astigarraga. The Mungia high school girls Aitziber Etxegarai, Ana Paula Cabrera, Maider Gómez, Aroa Martín, Lide Goitia and Nahia Vázquez, as well as Miren Billelabeitia, Mayte Galasrdi, Zigor Gorostiola, Sandra Caballero, Zorione Monasterio, Josu Varela, Luis Elorduy, Jaione Garay, Andoni Aranburu, Amaia Fernandez, David Barbero, Pedro Barea, Carmen Larrínaga, Javier Font, Vanesa Fernández Gerra, director of Zinebi, and Sebas Gartzia Trujillo, member of Euskaltzaindia.


Fuente: El Correo

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