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Lander and Ylenia, a couple united in creation

Carlos Rivera | 29 march, 2022

There are couples united by passion. That is the case of Lander Otaola and Ylenia Baglietto, or Ylenia and Lander. They have shared countless projects both in the audiovisual field and on stage. Some of them on the stage of the Arriaga Theatre, producer of 'Reino', which can be seen at Matadero until 10 April. For them, being part of their productions is a source of pride. Even more so if in the cast they share scenes with someone who is the history of theatre, such as José María Pou. They are also directed by the always surprising Calixto Bieito. We talked to them about this production and, of course, about what it's like to share a life that is pure passion for creation and love.

Carlos Rivera: What does it mean for you to go on stage with a reference like José María Pou?

Lander and Ylenia: It is an honour to share the stage with Pou, who is the history of Spanish theatre. In addition to being a great actor, he is an exceptional human being. He's a good companion, generous, restless, cultured and who doesn't conform. An actor who accepts risky projects and is constantly learning. A mirror in which to look at himself. He leaves his soul on stage.

Carlos Rivera: This is an Arriaga Theatre production, how does it feel to be 'playing at home'?

Lander and Ylenia: The Arriaga has been producing shows for many years and is an oasis for the profession. Besides, they always support Basque actors and creators from there, we are very grateful to them. I wish other theatres would follow suit, because it is very important for the sector. And for me, as a Bilbao native, it makes me feel deeply proud of my city's theatre. It is also one of the state's benchmarks, a theatre with magic.

Carlos Rivera: Of course it is an experience that pushes the performers to the limit, what is it like to work under Calixto Bieito's orders?

Lander and Ylenia: We love working with Calixto, we have a great time, he lets us create and lets us surprise. He works with freedom and good vibes, he's not at all tyrannical and doesn't impose anything. He is pure intuition, a very intelligent and empathetic director. We are happy that he counts on us. We are very grateful. Calixto is a world-famous director. It's a luxury to work with him.

Carlos Rivera: You've been working on many projects together, are you the type to take your work home with you or leave it on the doormat?

Lander and Ylenia: We are lucky to love our profession. We devote ourselves to it and rejoice in each other's success. The success of one is the success of both. There are couples of actors who are jealous of each other professionally and that is very toxic. You should never clip each other's wings, on the contrary, you have to give freedom. Love has to be freedom.

Carlos Rivera: You have a long audiovisual career behind you, but you have covered many stages in your career. Why is theatre still for you that great place to tell stories?

Lander and Ylenia: I think theatre is the art that unites all the arts. We also love cinema and television, but the contact with the audience is still magical and even more so in these strange times of pandemics and wars. Although we don't care about the medium to tell a story, the important thing is that the story is interesting and has quality. Theatre is like sport, you have to give 100% every day, you don't go on stage to rest.

Carlos Rivera: The English say to play and here to act, did you experience the transition from childish play to professionalism when you started working?

Lander and Ylenia: A good actor is an actor who plays and has fun, an actor who is uncomfortable and suffers is rarely liked by the public. This is about transmitting a feeling, not about feeling it. You have to play that you are in love or they will kill you. Find pleasure in that and transmit it. And always with commitment and truth. The stage is a place where you always have to tell the truth while lying.

Carlos Rivera: Ylenia, there is an inevitable question, which your fans would not allow me not to ask you, what stage is Maitino at?

Ylenia: Well, at the moment we can't say much. The fandom has asked for a spin-off and it seems that something is being planned by RTVE and Boomerang. Hopefully it will be possible soon. The fans deserve it.

Carlos Rivera: Lander, now that time has passed, what is the greatest gift that an experience like El Cover has meant to you?

Lander: The Cover is one of the best gifts this profession has given me. I think it's a film that will remain. With sequences that will be mythical. A film with heart. I admire and love Secun, he is a unique creator. In time we will see. He has an impressive talent. All actors want to work with him.

Carlos Rivera: Finally, how would you encourage the audience to come to Matadero and to the next dates on the tour?

Lander and Ylenia: This show is not just theatre, it's an experience. It's a crazy journey, a catharsis, people hallucinate. It's a display of energy. The most extreme project of the year. Let people come and let themselves go. Without prejudices.



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