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CAMINO and MAITE, YLENIA and ARIA, 10 reasons for a success in ACACIAS 38

David Fraile. 15/06/2020

Queridas Ylenia y Aria. Escribir es una ventana abierta a la reflexión propia y ajena sobre las cosas que vives, sientes y disfrutas. Sin duda alguna la historia de Camino y Maite, Maite y Camino es un relato brillante de un retrato que no tiene edad, ni tiempo ni espacio.

La primera y más importante razón de este éxito es que una historia cobra totalmente sentido con aquellas que las protagonizan. Camino y Maite cuentan con dos almas interpretativas generosas, brillantes y en constante evolución. Experiencia e inocencia, emoción y lucha, superación y talento los ingredientes que han dejado en la huella de los espectadores Ylenia y Aria de una manera indeleble y eterna.

Dear Ylenia and Aria. Writing is an open window to your own and others' reflection on the things you live, feel and enjoy. Without a doubt the story of Camino y Maite, Maite y Camino is a brilliant account of a portrait that has no age, no time or space.

The first and most important reason for this success is that a story makes complete sense with those who star in them. Camino and Maite have two generous, brilliant and constantly evolving interpretive souls. Experience and innocence, emotion and struggle, overcoming and talented, the ingredients that have left in the mark of the spectators Ylenia and Aria in an indelible and eternal way.

Undoubtedly the clear example of how you can talk to the two actresses and see hidden between their silences, in the passion of their gaze to their two characters while admiring with respect and silence how they defend their history and their feelings. Enjoying a conversation with them, watching them on television or reviewing their own history is being aware that the energy they have created, the chemistry they have enjoyed, has crossed the screen to limits that even they are not aware of.

The second and third are the development and dosage of the story. Brilliant the ability of the script team that after the departure / flight of Maite the character has always been silently present, in observation, in care of everything that happened to Camino and what surrounded her ... since the misfortunes in her marriage, the best friend supervening, the tension in Acacias, all this while not being. It is incredible to read how during these last weeks since the march, in each tweet, in each comment, the possibility slipped, I wish, I long for the character played by Ylenia Baglietto to return ... «because a story like #Maitino could not end..

Fourth and fifth: the family. During this weekend you have been able to enjoy the first and second installment of an interview with Ylenia and Aria (Maite and Camino) where we have been breaking down many details of that great story. For me in this part of the development I want to highlight Susana Soleto (Felicia) and Cisco Lara (Ildefonso). Two essential elements to understand this part of the plot of the story. Two essential characters to understand why the temporal transversality of history is something that could perfectly be happening in our century, in our year and in our own lives.

Through these two characters, masterfully played by Cisco and Susana, we see that mirror in which the character of Aria (Camino) and Maite (Ylenia) in the most present distance have reflected their own fears and the uncertainty of their own decisions. Do you remember the farewell to the Camino y Maite bridge? Isn't it Felicia's own fear and insecurity to allow or not her daughter to be HAPPY? Think if Maite and Felicia are not at the two ends of the same rope and the knot is Camino ... without a doubt. Ildefonso ... Ay Ildefonso !. The man of a thousand secrets, of the most painful appearances and of conscious silences.

The sixth and seventh ingredient is the alternation of frames and time dosage. Perhaps marked by the irruption of the Covid in our lives and the fragmentation of the duration of the episodes each week left a sustained tension and to some extent brilliant. At the time of publication of this article, the episodes return to the normal duration on the grid, therefore a natural and necessary acceleration occurs in the plots.

Eighth and ninth, the story and its protagonists. Aria Bedmar is undoubtedly an interpretive animal yet to be exploited. Camino and she are a unit, the same heartbeat and emotions that are born from fiction to become possibly the most current reality. The "Maitino" phenomenon is a clear tribute to all those people who loved, who love and will love without ever having to ask for forgiveness or permission. Both Aria and Ylenia draw silences that would be difficult to define with words ... you just have to let them feel. Ylenia Baglietto, that «happy smile of sadness» is versatile, real and close. Ylenia's talent erasing that border with Maite is a talent that will give a lot to talk about in this new normality and in the not too distant future. Thanks to both, it is a pride to work with you and enjoy each of the pieces of a story that has already changed television forever.

Tenth: YOU. The audience. Without a doubt the most important factor and ingredient. It is you who put the drive, the passion, the memory and the heart into every minute of this story. In many cases they have become the anchor of your hope, the bastion of your freedom and the passion of your heart. Blessed folly, blessed love, blessed life. See you again this afternoon at Acacias 38, where the clock has already started ticking ...

PS: For all the messages that have reached us about part three of the interview, we will soon be able to tell you more about it.


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