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Terms of use

To ensure that the forums are an informative and entertaining space, make sure that your posts comply with the following Community Guidelines and with the Terms and conditions of use of this website.

  • Respect other community members - don't create conversation threads or posts that intimidate, harass, or insult other people. Online harassment practices such as "trolling", "flaming", defamation, pirate referrals, browser bombing, and phishing are also prohibited.

  • "Trolling" means deliberately posting provocative, negative, or controversial messages in a conversation thread or forum with the goal of causing interruptions and discussions or grabbing attention. Trolls try to make other forum members unintentionally break the rules or make a fool of themselves. Do not bite the hook; Don't feed the trolls!

  • In order to preserve the friendly environment, the use of profanity or vulgar language is not permitted in the Sony forums. This includes attempts to circumvent the profanity filters and the use of acronyms that contain profanity.

  • Do not post anything that can be understood as discriminatory, rude or offensive; for example, racist, sexist, pornographic, blasphemous, vulgar, derogatory, hostile or threatening content, or "impact" images or websites.

  • Do not use the forums to "accuse" cheats or start campaigns to remove other members of the community.

  • The use of "spam" (indiscriminate sending of mail) or "flooding" (intentional saturation with messages) is not allowed, although you can make intensive use of the forum, provided you do it sensibly. Also avoid posting the same thing twice and creating duplicate conversation threads.

  • Do not post chain letters, money requests, pyramid schemes, or advertisements. If you want to promote your own website, just include a discreet link in your forum signature, rather than creating new topics for more visibility.

  • Do not post messages that support or condone illegal activities, such as drug use, piracy, illegal downloading, etc.

  • Do not post anything that could be considered slanderous or defamatory.

  • Do not post copyrighted material on the forum. Basically, this means that you publish entire parts of published books, magazines, game guides, etc. it is strictly prohibited. You can get yourself (and us) into trouble.

  • For your own safety, when you are online, NEVER disclose personal information in forums, such as your email, surname, postal address, or telephone number. Do not reveal any other information that can personally identify you.

  • Our moderators will remove all graphics that take too long to load or that break the layout of the forums.

Please note that these rules apply to all images, texts and links that you post on the forum. You can help us make forums a pleasant space by reporting any abuse or spam. Email us at

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If you violate the rules of conduct, voluntarily or involuntarily, we will modify or delete your publication. Continued or excessive misconduct may lead to the temporary or permanent suspension of your ability to post. Finally, and since these rules cannot cover all cases, we reserve the right to remove any content or suspend your account without prior notice and in our sole discretion.

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