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Ylenia Baglietto, new star of "Una Vita": "I will be a woman at the forefront, for the moment"

The actress will be the new protagonist of Canale 5's Spanish telenovela "Una Vita" (Acacias 38) and will play the role of a modern and avant-garde woman by 1913.

In 2021 of Una Vita there will also be Ylenia Baglietto, the Basque actress who will lend her face to Maite Zaldua, an avant-garde woman for 1913 who will begin a love story with the young Camino Pasamar, creating a scandal throughout the Acacias neighborhood. A very important argument for the Spanish soap opera that has given Ylenia notoriety around the world, as she explained to us in this exclusive interview.

Hi Ylenia, let's start with a simple question. When did you decide to become an actress? I know, for example, that your first audition was for the Goenkale series, for a role that you later got.

“Yes, you are well informed. My passion for the world of acting began when I was 15 years old, thanks to the TV series Paso Adelante, which was later also broadcast by you in Italy. I immediately fell in love with the stories of the protagonists, who danced, sang and performed. I remember telling my parents that this was exactly what I wanted to do in life. And I launched into this project with all the enthusiasm that distinguishes me "

We arrived at Una Vita. In a few months, Italian viewers will know you thanks to the role of the painter Maite Zaldua. I know that your transition to another series was crucial to having this role.

"Exactly. I had already worked with Boomerang Tv that produces Acacias 38 (Una Vita), from the "Presunto Culpable" series . So I did not do a real audition for Maite, but my step in the previous production was necessary. My agent asked me to play Zaldua and the scriptwriters gave me the honor of sewing this strong and determined woman. Ultimately, I owe everything to "Presunto Culpable".

You already said it: Maite is strong and determined. Can you describe these characteristics better?

"Of course. It is a pleasure for me to talk about her, who is certainly a woman willing to undermine the intolerant conceptions of the time. In addition to being a convinced feminist and, therefore, little inclined to follow the traditionalist mentality of the time, Maite knows how to defend the rights of workers, human beings and has a particular eye for women. He has a deep value inside him, which surely stems from the many sufferings he had to endure in life. As soon as he set foot in the Acacias neighborhood will upset everything. It will alter the routine of this neighborhood. "

Maite will live a deep love story with Camino Pasamar. A very opposite homosexual bond during the period. Do you think it is important, in an afternoon soap opera, to address this issue?

“Besides being important, it is essential. The public certainly needs these kinds of referrals. I firmly believe that you should not be afraid to show the different ways of loving in the world. There are not only couples made up of men and women. Maite and Camino are a way, a means, for people to know that you can also love two people of the same sex. There is nothing wrong with talking about it. "

Did you expect the enormous success that Maite and Camino have had among the public?

" Honestly no. I only realized its success, its dominance of the public, when the scenes were broadcast on La1. An actor always waits for one of its characters and people like it to come, that's why I put all my commitment as an artist behind Maite. Both she and Camino are characters that people need to see, who help women who feel this way. I like to think that Maite and Camino speak to all those women who do not feel completely free to love each other, due to the restricted society in which we still live ”.

Let's talk a little about you. You're in love? "

“Yes. I live in Bilbao with my partner Lander Otaola, who is an actor like me. Unfortunately, I am not as close to my mother and sister as I would like, since they live in another city.

If you could describe yourself with a few adjectives, which ones would you use?

“I am a person who is always smiling. I am happy, I want to convey positivity. I have goals that I set myself and that I try to achieve ”.

What do you do when you are free from the commitments of the whole?

“I have a lot of energy, which I release by going to the gym. I love to eat, so I love to go to restaurants to try dishes that I do not know. Trips should not be missing either. I've been in Italy for some time. Besides reading, going to the cinema and the theater, I always try to find the right spaces to be with my friends ”.

What relationship do you have with the fans that follow you from all over the world?

"Splendid. Every day I receive the support of so many people who congratulate me and Aria (Camino) on how we brought Maite and Camino's deep love story to the stage. I spend a lot of time on social media with my fans. I owe everything to their affection ”.


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