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The power of fandom for better visibility

There are love stories that need an army so that they never die. And have one, two, three or fourth first dates, whatever is necessary, to make it clear that there is an audience that is crying out to be well reflected.

By MEWMAGAZINE | August 19, 2020

I think I admit having lived through different stages of what a fandom is capable of achieving. I understand that it is something that occurs in cycles. Which comes in stages. Moments in which he has a greater or lesser power. It may also be because of the other people on the other side. Empathy or understanding that is exercised over a need or not.

Today, in our country, we have two very clear and concise cases. On the one hand the Luimelia effect and on the other, the Maitino effect. They both come to settle an account. That good visibility that has always been missing between the love of two women.

They are not the first story. There have already been plots with two girls who loved each other or wished each other or where passion exploded. But that final part, passion, stayed in second place. There was like an obsession to tell something beautiful without being able to fit that beautiful part with the sexual one. It was like fear of causing something wrong. The scenes were cold. A wanting and not being able to. Therefore, the public, ended up feeling the same coldness and what could have curdled better, was always halfway.

Now, Luimelia and Matino have gone the other way. Two stories, in different times, where two women fall in love and that sexual love is not hidden. Nor is it over-executed. The key is to be subtle. In showing without losing sweetness or the story that you really want to tell.

Both projects have been honestly planted. Without hiding or looking away. They have been executing, slowly, the resolutions. They have not noticed anyone nor have they tried to make a simile. And the consequence has come in an army of fans willing to defend history and its actresses. Why the latter too? Because Paula Usero, Carol Rovira, Aria Bedmar and Ylenia Baglietto have been, have been, are and are for the character. In an insane communion. Understanding what a good representation and visibility means. Approaching the audience and showing determination.

Luimelia could stay in 'Amar es para siempre'. And I hope lost in oblivion over the years. Or Maitino, exactly the same, in 'Acacias 38'. But we are in that cycle of fight and fight. To achieve purposes. And #Luimelia jumps to Atresplayer and #Maitino arrives, for now, in podcast format on RTVE. Two achievements by that army of people who have seen a love reflected in the way they needed to see it. And with professionals willing to feel the characters as rarely. When all this comes together in one cocktail, who can stop it?

The power of fandom, for better visibility, is extremely important and should never die. The public has shown that the stories, the characters, can continue to have life if noise is made. Silence has never brought good results.

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